Rosen Centre Hotel
Orlando, FL
Event date: May 9-12, 2023
Battcon is a high-energy mix of industry specific presentations, panels, seminars and workshops, plus a trade show. More than 400 storage battery users meet at Battcon for professional development and networking focused on the design, selection, application and maintenance of stationary battery systems. It’s a forum where those in the data center, telecom and utility industries can learn from and network with industry experts.
What we're presenting
SENS Presentation: Switchmode Basics
Bill Kaewert, CEO of SENS, will present on Hardened Switchmode Technology
Check out the event agenda. Bill is part of the hands on interactive closing session on Friday. May 12th from 12:30 - 1:30
Learn more about Switchmode technology
Bill provided a deedper dive into hardened Switchmode technology on a Modernizing Critical Power Live episode.
Watch the clip to learn how well-designed Switchmode outperforms SCR.
Interested in learning more? Watch the full recording