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Genset Starting Education Module #1

Introduction to Genset Electrical Starting System Problems

William F Kaewert | SENS – Stored Energy Systems LLC 

Understanding Gensets: What is a Genset and Why is it Essential?

Standby generators save lives and reduce financial losses.


Electric power is the foundation technology of modern life. Essential for every infrastructure, electricity powers fuel refining and transportation, communications, fresh and waste water treatment, the financial system, manufacturing, health care, food production, and more.

  • Emergency and standby generators, known as gensets, provide backup power for these critical functions when the main power grid fails. For more on genset applications, visit our Genset Starting page.
  • Gensets are often mandated by law to support life-safety applications, such as in health care facilities, and are frequently specified by facility owners to prevent substantial financial losses.1 

For example, the average cost of downtime in a data center across various industries is approximately $5,600 per minute, with potential losses reaching up to $1 million for a single power outage at data centers delivering IT and networking services.2

Key Components of a Genset Electrical Starting System

Introduction to, and problems with, genset electric start systems.


While the components of genset electric starting systems are as crucial to a genset’s functionality as the engine, alternator, and fuel system, they are relatively lower in cost and, therefore, often receive less attention from specifiers and end users. 

Key elements such as batteries and battery chargers are essential to electric starting systems; however, they are frequently among the last systems that many OEMs consider including under their factory warranty programs. 

As a result, the quality and reliability of electric starting systems often lag behind other genset systems. Learn more about our reliable battery chargers and integrated power solutions built specifically for critical applications.

Benefits of a High-Quality Genset Starting System

Insufficient starting energy is the leading cause of genset failure.

For many of us, starting engines with batteries is a routine experience, such as starting our cars each day. Like a car, most genset systems rely on an electric storage battery to initiate the prime mover.3 However, unlike a family car, a genset’s failure to start can result in significant financial losses or even loss of life. Failed starting batteries are the primary cause of genset failure. For further details on dependable genset systems, explore SENS’s comprehensive applications.

Cummins highlights that "The number one reason standby generators fail to start is due to dead starting batteries, with over 80% of starting failures stemming from this cause."4 

Similarly, Caterpillar states, "The greatest cause of inoperable standby generator sets is lack of maintenance—often due to discharged or dry batteries."5

Why is Genset Starting Less Reliable than the Family Car? 


The above statements by genset makers seem at odds with our own almost always successful personal experience starting our cars. Some probable causes for this dissonance are that: 

  • Gensets are used very differently from the family car and impose stresses on components designed for cars beyond those which the component designer intended. For example, the “use model” of car batteries is to charge them only intermittently versus 24/7 as is required of a genset battery. 24/7 charging isn’t inherently bad, but the consequence of incorrect charging settings is magnified many times for the genset battery because of the much greater time on charge. This problem is accentuated when AGM/VRLA6 type lead-acid starting batteries are used because there is no means to replenish electrolyte if they are overcharged. 
  • Car drivers often avoid failure to start by detecting and pre-emptively replacing weak batteries.  It is easy to sense deteriorating crank performance in a car driven frequently just by listening during engine start. The “use model” of genset batteries, in contrast, is more severe. Gensets operate infrequently, must start unattended, and offer either only crude sensors or no sensor at all to detect deteriorating crank performance.  
  • Gensets are made in much lower volume than cars, and most do not enjoy the extensive system testing under extreme conditions typical of most vehicle design verification tests. This is particularly true with non-factory built gensets. The key to addressing this problem is giving adequate consideration to matching attributes of starting system components to the genset’s environment, use condition and maintenance regime. These will all be discussed below. 

Genset Batteries are Used Very Differently from Car Batteries 


The battery of an average vehicle is charged by an engine-driven alternator about 500 hours per year.7 In contrast, the battery on a genset is typically charged 8,760 hours/year8, or almost 18 times more charging hours than your car. The effect of imprecise charging to genset batteries is thus about 18 times more harmful than to your car battery. In an ideal world the battery would be less susceptible to charging errors but as will soon be discussed, the lead-acid battery is extremely sensitive. 

In addition to the amplified problem of charging accuracy, many gensets are equipped with additional systems such as battery heaters, redundant batteries, battery charger alarm systems and other equipment designed to improve starting system reliability. The addition of each additional system can complicate the overall starting system in non-obvious ways so unless these subsystems are properly specified and installed, addition can in some cases introduce new genset reliability problems. 

These SENS genset starting education modules provide additional data and solutions to engine starting issues: 

Summary of Key Points

  • Gensets are essential to nonstop operation of mission-critical processes, and cost of genset failure can be extremely high.  
  • Problems with starting batteries are the #1 cause of failure in gensets. 
  • Automotive batteries that are used in genset applications tend to perform less reliably than in vehicles because genset batteries are used very differently from car batteries. 
  • Although genset electric starting systems components are just as vital to the function of a genset as major systems, they are considerably lower in cost and therefore receive considerably less attention from specifiers and end users. 
  • Minor investment in one of the lowest costs genset systems has the potential to deliver huge gains in genset dependability. 
  • Improving genset starting system reliability therefore represents a very large potential return on investment.


  1. Including National Electric Code Article 517 – Health Care Facilities, Life Safety Code - NFPA 101, and Standard for Health Care Facilities – NFPA 99. 
  2. "Understanding the Cost of Data Center Downtime: An Analysis of the Financial Impact of Infrastructure Vulnerability", Ponemon Institute, May 2011. 
  3. Gensets in specialty applications such as nuclear power plants are started by other means such as compressed air. 
  4. Cummins Power Generation publication F-1536, 2004. 
  5. Caterpillar genset installation/operation manual.
  6. AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat)/ VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead-Acid) water usage is about 1% the water usage of a typical flooded type SLI (starting, lighting and ignition) battery but only when properly charged.
  7. Assuming 15,000 miles traveled at an average speed of 30 mph.
  8. National Electric Code (NEC) Article 700 mandates the use of an automatic battery charger independent of the generator's charging alternator. This means around the clock, 365 days/year charging.